Apply for help
Supporting documentation
The HCA Healthcare Hope Fund is required to obtain supporting documentation for every grant given because the Hope Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and not an HCA Healthcare employee benefit.
The forms of supporting documentation required for each situation are listed below. You can attach all supporting documentation to your online application, or you can email the documentation to or fax it to 866-337-4354. Please be sure your name and 3-4 ID are on the cover page. Note that the Hope Fund staff may ask for additional forms of documentation to verify your event and need.

Qualifying Event: Extended Illness or Injury
The Hope Fund can consider the financial needs related to an extended illness or injury for a colleague or their dependent spouse/children.

Qualifying Event: Natural Disaster
The Hope Fund can consider the financial needs related to a natural disaster that affects the colleague's primary residence.

Qualifying Event: Unexpected Family Death
The Hope Fund can consider the financial needs due to an unexpected death of a dependent family member or if travel assistance is needed due to death in the immediate family.

Qualifying Event: Domestic Violence
The Hope Fund can consider the financial needs when a colleague or dependent family member is experiencing a domestic violence event.

Qualifying Event: Violent Crime, Forced Relocation, Job Loss
The Hope Fund considers assistance with unexpected, qualifying events hindering the applicant from meeting their basic household needs.
*Essential Needs grants may be provided once within a 5 year period.

Qualifying Event: Major Car Repairs
Assistance for major car repairs can be considered when repairs are needed to the applicant’s sole source of transportation for a condition that is preventing the applicant from using the vehicle with no alternatives to travel to work.
*Essential Needs grants may be provided once within a 5 year period.