Our stories

At HCA Healthcare, we take care of our own. Even in tough economic times, we support our HCA Healthcare family members through the HCA Healthcare Hope Fund. To date, we’ve helped over 55,000 HCA Healthcare families in need. And the need is as great as ever. Take a minute to explore some of our latest videos and stories.

Featured story

Judith’s Colleagues Gave Her Hope During Her High-Risk Pregnancy

Judith McDonald, a labor and delivery nurse in Houston, Texas, knew her pregnancy would be high risk when she learned last April she was carrying twins. Still, she expected to work up until her 30th week. But she started to…

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Our blog stories

Every single dollar you give to the HCA Healthcare Hope Fund is going to another HCA Healthcare colleague in a time of need. It might be going to someone you know well or someone you’ve never met. These are some of those stories.

Jean Jimeno – A message of thanks

Jean Jimeno, an RN at Aventura Hospital and Medical Center gratefully sent the Hope Fund her appreciation…

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Fabiana McCranie – Time to heal

 “When life happens, you don’t have time to think; you just have to do.” When her father…

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Danny Rincon – After major accident, Hope Fund helps nurse get back on his feet

It was a beautiful October day, and Danny Rincon was out riding with his motorcycle club. As…

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Anita Butruce – Hope Fund eases employee’s mind during recurring health problems

After Anita Butruce spent nine days in the hospital battling a spinal infection, she hoped that the…

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Sussana Howard – We Lost Everything

“This is My Story” We lost everything in a fire.  The only things salvageable were a bed,…

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Kim Durham – Cancer treatments took a toll on the family income

Kim Durham had always contributed to The Hope Fund but had never really understood how it could…

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