Our Stories
Fabiana McCranie’s Story of Hope

Six years ago, Fabiana McCranie, a nurse in Florida, learned her father was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. Her story of hope was originally shared back in 2015.
As an only child, she was thrust into the role of caregiver. Between taking care of her father in his deteriorating condition, work, and keeping her own household going, Fabiana quickly began to face problems. She needed to work to pay for his medical treatments, but she also needed to be present to take care of him.
Fabiana began to worry about how she would make ends meet, and she confided her worries to a colleague. “She was aware my father was sick and she knew we had a lot of expenses,” Fabiana recalled. “I said I cannot even work more hours, because with my free hours, I have to be with him, so I don’t know how I’m going to pay for everything.”
Her colleague told her about the Hope Fund, and encouraged Fabiana to apply for assistance. Thanks to Hope Fund donors, Fabiana received help and hope during this challenging time. Sadly, her father died just a little more than two months after his diagnosis. “Being able to get that help from the Hope Fund, well, that was the only way to have more time with my dad,” she said. “The little time I had with him, the Hope Fund helped me have that.”
Since that time, Fabiana has been a vocal advocate for the Hope Fund, encouraging colleagues to give, even just $1 per pay period. “After my father passed away, I told everybody you never know when you or a family member might need help. Why not give a little to receive a little?” Fabiana also encourages any colleague facing a hardship situation to seek help from their HCA Healthcare family through the Hope Fund.
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