Our Stories
Dianna Lebron’s Story of Hope

Dianna Lebron has been a major advocate of the HCA Healthcare Hope Fund in the five years since her family received help. Her story was originally shared in 2016.
“I tell people they should give, even if it’s just $1,” said Dianna, a Patient Care Tech in Florida. “I want them to know just how beneficial it is to give even $1 to $5 per paycheck, because when it’s added up with everyone else’s donation, it can really help a family.”
In 2015 Dianna’s son Felix, who was 13 years old, underwent emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction. He wound up in the pediatric ICU, and ultimately required three more surgeries as he slowly recovered.
Dianna spent months caring for Felix in the hospital day and night while her husband stayed at home to care for their three other children. During Felix’s hospitalization and recovery, Dianna used up all of her PTO, as well as time available to her through the Family Medical Leave Act.
“I’m the only income in our household, so when Felix was in the hospital for months, I had zero paychecks,” she said. Eventually, all of their savings were depleted as well.
Dianna’s HR department reminded her about the HCA Healthcare Hope Fund, so she filled out an application for assistance. “The help we received made such a difference to us during that hard time,” she said. “It allowed me to focus on Felix, and really eased my mind.”
Dianna was so grateful for the Hope Fund’s help during Felix’s extended illness that, upon returning to work, she immediately signed up for a Hope Fund donation to be deducted every pay period. “It’s nice to give back,” she said, “because you never know when you might need help.”
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